
Showing posts from November, 2017

Reference Page

Website/ PowerPoint: References: Birch, C., 2010. Understanding Pac-Man Ghost Behavior. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2 October 2017]. Sikder, F., 2010. Difference Between Algorithm and Heuristic. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2 October 2017]. Wikipedia, 2016. Boids Flocking. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2 October 2017]. Artificial Intelligence, 2010. Learning Decision Trees. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 9 October 2017]. Gallear, W., 2017. Bsc Creative Computing. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 9 October 2017]., 2017. Artificial Intelligence - Neural Networks. [Online] Available at: https://www.tutorialspoint....

Assignment 1 Tactics and strategy and Learning techniques

        Tactics and strategy The first thing that I will be talking about in this final section of my assignment, under the topic of AI in games, is strategy and tactics. I will start with strategy then I will move on to tactics. So, in strategy, each character of the enemy group normally have their own decisions to make. Also they have their own algorithm that affects the way they move around the environment. But the enemy groups overall decision will normally be made by the group strategy, this can be that they team up together to overwhelm the player in order to try and eliminate them (Gallear, 2017) . Also it gives the player a challenge. A game example of this would be Half-Life in which the enemies form a team to take the player out  (Gallear, 2017) . Now I will talk about tactics, this can be things like the enemies hiding behind cover to surprise attack the player or they could use the shadows to hide in and surprise t...

Assignment 1 Decision making concepts,State machines and Fuzzy logic

          Decision making concepts The first thing that I will talk about in this section of the assignment, under the topic of AI in games, is decision making concepts i.e. the decision tree or the classification tree.  Every AI character makes a decision to do something such as the decision to attack the player character if they are seen (Artificial Intelligence, 2010) . Each decision is put in to a tree like graph which is called the decision tree and the decision itself is made up of child and parent nodes. To make sure that the tree works properly the child nodes are under the parent nodes and have to represent all the possible decisions that are in play. These may be yes, no, maybe or an action like pick up, store or drop (Gallear, 2017) . So with a decision tree it starts off at the root where the decision is made such as yes to take cover, then another decision is made and another until it get to the leaf which is the end n...

Assignment 1 Pathfinding concepts and Algorithms

Path-finding concepts The first thing I will be talking about in this section of the assignment, under the topic of AI in games, is the concepts of path-finding. This aspect is all to do with AI which in very simple terms is the route that the AI takes to get from point A to B. It will consider all of the options that are at hand. Also it considers things such as time, cost and effectiveness to find the best path. The classic example of path-finding is sat nav as it finds the best route for you to get to your destinations. The points are called nodes and there are many different types of path-finding algorithms such as A*, Dijkstra Algorithm and Cost Driven.           A* Algorithm  The second thing I will be talking about in this section of the assignment under the topic of AI in games is A*, which is a path finding algorithm. It is one of the most popular and...

Assignment 1 Hardware constraints AI Engines and Boids flocking

    Hardware Constraints AI Engines  The first point on this second section of this assignment that I will talk about is hardware constraints about the developers and what they have to think about, such as the time it will take to create the game and player experience.  I will also be talking about the player and looking at this from a developer’s point of view. They keep in mind the player experience and try to push this to the limits to make the game as much fun as possible, but they also have to keep in mind the time aspect. They can delay the release of a games if they think it is necessary to get the best level of player experience. An example of pushing player experience to the limit is AC Black Flag when developers tried to get the best player experience on PS3, but certain things didn't work out as it had limitations. They, therefore, decided to make a version of it on the new console the PS4, as it could cope much bet...

Assignment 1 Algorithms, heuristics and hacks

                             Algorithms The first thing that I will talk about in this topic of AI in relation to games is algorithms, this in very basic terms is a simple set of rules or instructions for the AI player that a coder will put into their games, but modern games nowadays use much more complex algorithms. The arcade game  PAC-MAN uses a simple algorithms for the ghosts which in the game are the NPC characters. There are four ghosts which all have individual behaviour patterns, this means a different algorithm has been used for each ghost so that each one will move differently through the maze, only one ghost starts in the maze while the others stay in the ghost house (spawn area) and if the ghost gets eaten by a powered up PAC-MAN or the PAC-MAN dies then there is an algorithm that makes them re-spawn in the ghost house so that the game can be started again...